Coaching is a partnership between client and coach which utilizes a guided, intentional thought-provoking process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential. Believing that you are the expert on your life and professional career, coaching is a client-driven process that is distinct from other professions, such as counseling, mentoring, consulting and training.
You are the expert on you, and your coach is the expert on helping you navigate towards where you want to go, utilizing your strengths and skills and helping you maximize your productivity. Coaching is about looking forward and partnering with you to take action and experience results.

The Energy Leadership Index (E.L.I.) is a one-of-a-kind assessment that enables leaders to hold up mirrors to their perceptions, attitudes, behaviors and overall leadership capabilities. It is the only assessment of its kind and one that has a complete, clear, customized coaching program associated with it.
This system consists of an introduction, followed by 12 developmental segments. The program is completely customized to each leader, and offers a baseline for current level of awareness, performance and effectiveness. Leaders create their personalized developmental road map and quickly progress toward becoming an ideal leader.
“When I first read this book in 2018, little did I know how much it would prepare me for COVID-19. Leadership IS a choice – and not only do you not need a title to lead, as the book addresses, I have since learned, you do not need an office either.”
“This book and reflection journal gave me the tools to be the inspirational leader I am today, during this pandemic. I highly recommend it for any leader and suggest you share it with your team – especially now!”
The REACH FAR™ Coaching Process has a proven approach to achieving results. Using the principles of Energy Leadership™ we will focus on increasing your awareness of the impact your Core Energy plays at each point in the cycle. The Goals of Coaching will be consistent with helping you:
- Review
- Evaluation
- Assessment
- Coaching
- Homework
Coaching can be used for:
- Individuals
- Partners
- Work Teams
Ask yourself: Do you, your partners or team feel:
- You are unclear or not aligned around the direction you are headed either individually or as a team?
- You have opportunities to grow, but are not taking advantage of it?
- You are facing challenges and barriers, and desire to put them behind you and move forward?
- You are “stuck” on the path to achieving your goals and cannot seem to get there?
- You are barely touching your capabilities, passion and expertise and desire to take your work and productivity to the next level?
- There is something more to discover in your personal or professional life, and it is time to take action?
Individual Coaching includes a combination of assessments and one-on-one sessions in addition to the potential for leadership circles, think tanks, and retreats. Recommended audience includes executives (C-Suite and Senior Leadership), mid-level management and project leads & high potentials.
Team Coaching includes a combination of individual and group coaching sessions. Leadership Circles and Mastermind Groups are utilized which creates focus, inspiration, connection and synergy. Recommended audience includes functional departments,project teams, dotted-line teams and peer groups.
Identify your Goals
Before you get started working with a coach, take time to reflect on your objectives for the coaching engagement. Being clear on your goals will help you determine the best program for you.
Find the Right Coach
The relationship you develop with your coach will be critical to your success, so take time to explore this relationship. Not every coach is the right fit for the client, and not every client is the right fit for the coach. This is a partnership and to achieve success both parties must be in synch!
At Focal Pointe we take time to understand more about you, your goals, and your communication preferences while sharing a bit about our background, coaching style and approach. This is typically done over a preliminary phone call or two, and is at no charge. In this time you will have the opportunity to experience first-hand, what an engagement would look and feel like. Simultaneously, the coach will be able to authentically assess if s/he is the best fit to meet your needs. Remember, in coaching, the relationship is about following your agenda – our success is measured on yours! So these preliminary calls are expected and welcomed and serve a mutual benefit to ensure a great fit and a pathway towards the success you desire.
Choose a Program
You know your initial goals, you have found your coach, now it is time to move to action. Each coach offers a variety of services and options. At Focal Pointe we will work with you to determine the best program to meet your needs. There is no “BEST” or “BETTER” program – other than finding exactly the right one for you.
Still Have Questions?
You know you want something, curious about coaching but unsure; have questions and prefer to ask live rather than read?
Focal Pointe offers several individualized coaching packages – please click here to see what will work best for you.
“Sue’s coaching approach and instinct was right on. She knew just how to work with the clutter in my head during an incredibly busy and distracting time. She help me clarify priorities based on values as opposed to getting wrapped up in reacting to intense daily issues that arise with running your own business. You can’t help but be affected in the best of ways from her positively high energy and experienced perspective. My life and business runs way better since our sessions together. Thanks Sue!”
“I highly recommend Sue as a consultant, coach, mentor, friend – basically anything you need in life. As my coach, Sue has an uncanny ability to listen to what I am not saying and call me out on my #$%! (she knows this is what I need). Through Sue’s coaching, I’ve been able to move forward on things that I was only talking about before. Sue’s many years of experience makes her an awesome sounding board for talking through anything and finding a way to move forward.”
“Thank you Focal Pointe, Inc. Your consistent coaching skills, professional experience, ideas and suggestions have helped my career considerably. In the last year I have been able to make great strides thanks to the invaluable knowledge and experience offered to me by Focal Pointe. I often refer to the ideas, suggestions and discussions we had last year to stay motivated and keep the focus on my future career goals. I appreciate the skills I learned working with you and believe they will ensure my professional success throughout my career.”